Join us on Wednesday April 17th in Washington, D.C. for the Evangelical Day of Prayer and Action for Immigration Reform.
Click here to register.
We have confirmed the following speakers:
- Bill Hybels, Willow Creek Community Church
- Dr. David Uth, First Baptist Church Orlando
- Dr. David Anderson, Bridgeway Community Church in Columbia, MD
- Lee de Leon, Templo Calvario in Orange County, CA
- Stephan Bauman, World Relief
- Rev. David Beckman, Bread for the World
- Rev. Sam Rodriguez, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
- Rev. Gabriel Salguero, National Latino Evangelical Coalition
- Sandra Van Opstal will lead worship
- 11am-Noon: Worship at the Church of the Reformation
- Noon-6pm: Meetings with legislators
- 6pm-8pm: Worship at the Church of the Reformation
Over the past two years, evangelical groups have played an increasingly prominent role advocating for compassionate and just immigration policies. Last June, we launched the Evangelical Immigration Table to coordinate our efforts and over 150 leading pastors, denominational heads, and thought leaders signed the Evangelical Statement of Principles for Immigration Reform. Following last November’s election, we penned open letters to the President and congressional leadership calling for action in the first 92 days of this Congress. Their time is almost up.
Responding to the “I Was A Stranger…” Challenge, thousands of people in churches throughout the country are reading 40 Bible verses related to immigrants and immigration over 40 days. We believe that God’s Word speaks powerfully to all who will pay attention. We are asking our elected leaders in Washington to take the Challenge themselves and to listen to their constituents who are taking it.
If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to come to the Capitol, this is it. April 17th will fall at a critical juncture in the process of enacting meaningful legislation. We believe that God could use your presence in Washington to help our nation reestablish a just and compassionate immigration system.
The Evangelical Immigration Table
From World Relief's Advocacy staff and the Evangelical Immigration Table
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